year, birthday, story, lifestyle, positivity, star wars, cinco de mayo, celebrate, future

The Year Ahead

May the fourth be with you. I’m not sure when this started. May 4th is not Star Wars Day in my mind. It’s my birthday. Then, suddenly a few years ago, everyone started saying this phrase. May the fourth be with you. I understood the pun, but not where it came from. Growing up in California, I had always felt like my birthday was competing with Cinco de Mayo. Now, I complete with Star Wars as well and let’s be honest, we all know who is winning that one.

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That being said, I haven’t really been one for making a big deal out of my birthday. When I was younger I loved celebrating my birthday. In college, I even embraced the idea that it was the day before Cinco de Mayo. Margaritas, anyone? It was fun to go out and celebrate with friends.

After turning 21, I started to feel like it just isn’t a big deal. Woohoo, I’m another year older. Big deal. Celebrations became a few close friends, or just my husband and me. It was basically just an excuse to get people together or get out of the house. I rarely told people at work since I didn’t want anyone making a big deal out of it (not that the people who did know ever did).

I continued to grow older. Each year another birthday with nothing special about them. Then, at the age of 26, I became a mother. As a mother, you are never the center of attention. I had no time to think about my own birthday. It became even less of a big deal to me.

Now it’s coming up on my birthday again. I have a Cinco de Mayo themed baby “sprinkle” to go to the day after and I fully expect to see more people talk about Star Wars than wish me happy birthday all day. The difference is, I’m ok with that. I don’t need people to pay attention to me. Those who love me most will reach out and that is what is important to me.

I’m thinking about my birthday in a different way this year. Instead of it being a day for others to celebrate me, it’s a day for me to look at my life and celebrate how far I’ve come. I can look back on the past 29 years and marvel at who I was, as well as who I have become. It has been a long journey that hasn’t always been easy, but I wouldn’t change a single moment because they have all brought me to where I am.

I look ahead to the year in front of me. This year is bringing me a new home in a new town (that I’ll actually own) and a second child. My family will be complete, me and my three boys. That’s all I really need.

The year ahead is full of possibility. It will be as wonderful as I make it, and I plan to make it amazing. I’m using my birthday as a time to reflect on myself and what changes I’d like to see.

I’d like to become better at planning and actually following through.

I’d like to make reasonable goals that keep me motivated.

I’d like to view the world through a filter of positivity.

I’d like to be more outgoing and try and make new friends.

I’d like to challenge myself.

I’d like to learn to care for myself more.

So, here’s to another year of love, happiness, and growth. I can’t wait to see what the year will bring!

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Lucy At Home UK gentle parenting blogger