Shelter in place with no schedule, why I am not homeschooling
Creating Family,  Lifestyle

Schedule: Why I Prefer to do Without

While kids are home from school and we are all sheltering in place, I see a lot of parents making a strict home school schedule for their kids. Personally, I’ve decided to go without all that. My kids are young with my oldest being in preschool so that is, of course, a factor but I decided to do without the pressure of a schedule. Instead, we are going with the flow of each day and simply aiming to enjoy ourselves.

I’m not planning art time every day but we do create something every day.

I’m not forcing learning activities but instead playing in a way that is educational as well.

I’m not thinking of this time as homeschooling but instead as a time to play and bond as a family.

Why I don't Have a Schedule for my kids

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So What Are We Doing?

While I’m not planning learning activities or sticking to any sort of a schedule, that doesn’t mean we are sitting in front of the tv all day. We have been busy and a lot of our activities have had a learning benefit, but they were also fun. I am excited to start working our way through a new science kit that my parents got for my oldest son. It is going to be a great way to learn, explore, and play together.

Wild and Free Childhood

My parenting style has always been a little loose and I am a strong believer in kids enjoying their childhood. I want my kids to remember this time because of how much they played outside. This is how they learn the most at this age. They dig in the mud, jump off rocks, and climb everything in sight. For young kids, this is a better education than sitting down with a book. Playing, especially outside, is a great way for kids to learn and grow. We have been working on our outdoor goals for this year and with the weather warming up, fresh air is so rejuvenating.

Every Day is a New Day

Each day is different when we are staying home so a fixed schedule just wouldn’t work for my family. Maybe the kids woke up a bunch at night and so I’m too tired to do much. Those days we might watch a little extra tv and eat a few more snacks. Then, another day we are all full of energy and motivation and so we do a bunch of activities, go for a walk, and play outside. In an attempt to avoid as many tantrums as possible, I’m not pushing my kids into a schedule but instead, following their lead to get the most out of each day.

Why I Choose not to do planned learning activities

What about Predictability?

I know a lot of childhood experts recommend a schedule since it allows kids to be able to predict what comes next in their day. They know what to expect. I completely understand and respect that approach. For many families, a strict schedule is necessary.

For us, it just doesn’t work. Of course, certain things happen at a set time each day. We wake up, nap, and go to bed at the same time each day. Meals are eaten at the same time, although snacks happen spontaneously. My kids know when to expect to have their basic needs met. It is the in-between time that is unstructured and unscheduled. I encourage my children to come up with something to do on their own and what they do often amazes me.

Allowing for Boredom in our “Schedule”

That time between meals and sleep is when I like to allow for a lot of boredom. This time is when I have nothing planned, I’m not going to get anything out and the kids have to find a way to entertain themselves with the toys and activities that are in front of them. In this way, I am encouraging them to learn independent play and to use their imaginations. It also allows me to get some work done!

This completely unstructured time is the time that they learn the most. They pick something up and explore everything they can do with it. Sometimes, they even play together! My oldest son will draw or create something out of blocks with his baby brother tries to figure out how to take the lid off of a plastic container. Outside, they will explore and learn from and about nature. It is beautiful what can be born out of boredom.

No Strict Schedule

I’ll slightly revise my title here. We are not living with absolutely NO schedule. As I mentioned above, we have set times for sleep and eating. Beyond that, we spend our time differently each day. I don’t have particular activities for each day or concepts to explore. My kids pick what interests them and we learn and play together.

This is a stressful time and kids can feel that which is why I decided not to home school while we shelter in place. We will focus on being together as a family, bonding, and playing. We will make memories and live life to the fullest. Do yourself a favor and take the pressure off of yourself. You are doing great and it is ok to just be together right now. The most important thing is to stay healthy and happy.

How are you taking care of your physical and mental health?

Here are some self-care ideas to try!

Why I am not Home Schooling

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  • Sarah

    I am mostly running schedule-free right now. My son does have set times that he has to be logged in for his online classes, but otherwise, we are taking every day as it comes and making the most of it. If the weather is nice we get out for a walk, we place board games when we feel like it and some days we do very little but that’s exactly what we need to do that day. Flexibility in these crazy times is so important.

    • Kat

      I agree! That is exactly why I’m trying to live this way. Some days we will be super busy with activities and then the next we might watch tv and rest. It is all about keeping everyone happy and healthy.

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