Learning From Clouds
Ela Wild's "What Nature Can Teach Us"

Clouds: What Nature Can Teach Us

If there is one aspect of nature that everyone can see and enjoy, no matter where you live, it is the clouds. It doesn’t matter if you live in the country or the city, as long as you can look out of a window, you are bound to see clouds. They can be different shapes and even different colors depending on the type of weather approaching. There is so much you can learn from simply watching the clouds.

What Kids Can Learn From Clouds


We have all seen it in the movies, but have you ever actually looked for shapes in the clouds? It is such a wonderful exercise for the imagination. The youngest kids can spot circles, hearts, and other basic shapes. Older kids will look for rabbits or princesses. Lay on a nice patch of grass together if you can, if not, look out the window at the clouds and let your imaginations fly!

A Game of Imagination in the Clouds

My favorite thing to do on a day with nice, fluffy white clouds is to ask my son what shapes he sees. Together, we find dragons and castles in the sky and create a story out of what we see. Sometimes the dragon is a force for good, defending the castle against the evil sorcerer. Other times a knight might have to protect the castle against the fire of the dragon. The ever-changing canvas of the clouds is perfect for this game that exercises both your child’s imagination and your own.

My boys looking at the train trestle


There are so many fun ways to learn about the weather, but my favorite is to observe it. Watching a storm roll in and feeling the change in temperature as the wind picks up is one of my favorite experiences. Whenever I have a chance, I point these things out to my children. We take note of how dark the clouds are before it rains versus how light they are on a sunny day. When the wind blows, we watch how fast the clouds race by.

By not only pointing out our observations to our children but also explaining them, we teach them so much more. When I was young, I loved studying the weather and it was the clouds that had originally piqued my interest. I wanted to know how they helped predict what weather was coming. They are fascinating.

What if I don’t know a lot about the clouds?

While I studied the clouds a lot as a kid, I don’t remember most of it now so I encounter this issue a lot. I’m always honest with my children if I don’t know the answer. Then, we will research it together so that we can answer the question. In this way, I model the behavior that I would like them to emulate while also learning more about the natural world and the clouds (or whatever topic this comes up with).

Patience and Living in the Moment

Unless it is terribly windy outside, the clouds aren’t very fast. Observing them requires patience. Laying and watching the clouds teaches us to slow down and live in the moment. This is an important skill for children to learn. It helps to stay connected to yourself and be not just in touch with your emotions, but also in control of them. Patience takes practice, and watching clouds is a great way to practice.

How Kids can learn patience from Clouds

Meditate with the Clouds

Take a deep breath and clear your mind. Focus on the clouds. Push any other thoughts out of your mind and simply enjoy their beauty. Personally, I prefer silence during this practice as it takes on a form of meditation for me. I will sometimes play calming music though since that helps my kids get into that calm state. We will sit or lay outside, breathing deeply together and watching the clouds. This teaches them how to calm themselves, which will be another great skill as they grow up.

Learning from the Clouds

So you see, the clouds aren’t just about learning the weather. They are a chance to imagine a whole new world. Watching them is a form of meditation that can teach kids how to calm their minds and their souls. We can learn from all aspects of nature and everyone can find a piece from where they live. Even if it is just watching the clouds roll by your window.


Part of this series is challenging you to get outside and learn from nature. This month, I challenge you to try one of the activities described above. Create a story in the clouds with your kids, use them to learn about the weather, or learn to slow down and meditate by watching them. Post your cloud adventures on Instagram and use #ElaWildChallenge so I can see them. I love seeing how many of you I can inspire to learn from nature with your children!

Read more about What Nature Can Teach Us from Ela Wild, new posts each month, and follow me on Instagram for our daily outdoor adventures.

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Helping Kids Learn from Clouds

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Lucy At Home UK gentle parenting blogger