Fitness Update: A Busy Mom's Journey
Creating Family,  Lifestyle

Fitness Update: A Busy Mom’s Journey

A health and fitness journey isn’t easy. It is a change in lifestyle and mindset. I started on a personal fitness journey at the beginning of the year and it has taken a while for me to get into a rhythm. I want to be a positive role model for my kids which is why this isn’t about losing weight for me. I don’t even own a scale so I have no weight goal to meet. For me, it’s just about feeling good.

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Like many busy moms, I don’t have time to go to a gym. I have to work out at home, using apps to guide me. It can be really difficult, but I have learned to prefer exercising in front of my kids so that they can watch and see the effort I put in. Hopefully, this will turn into them trying to emulate me and leading a healthy lifestyle.

exercise, finding, time, toddler, dog

Finding the Time for Fitness

This is the biggest issue for moms like me. How do I find the time? Workouts can be short 15 minute sessions while my kids follow along (or watch tv). It might be a stroller walk. After my first son was born, I love about 80 pounds by adding simple workouts into my daily life. You can read more about my first fitness journey here. I created the “busy mom workout routine” and I am using that again. However, this time, I decided to step it up a notch and work toward my peak physical fitness.

busy, mom, workout, routine

Working out while kids are home and awake increases the difficulty level as they love to climb on and around me, but I love involving them in my fitness journey. When my 3-year-old tries to do the exercises with me, it confirms that I am making the right decision in my mind. Plus, I love the added challenge!

A Busy Mom's Fitness Journey

My Fitness Goals

If you follow me on Instagram, you have seen some of my workouts and progress. You also saw that I completed a Terrain obstacle race (and my son did the mini race). It was so much fun and was a real challenge. After that race, I set myself the goal of completing a Spartan Race in the summer of 2020. That gives me 1 full year to reach peak physical fitness that I will need to achieve my goal. I set a strict schedule for myself to work on all areas of my fitness that I will need to complete a Spartan Race.

My son and I after completing the Terrain obstacle course race

Working toward a healthier, fitter self is also good for my mental state. It is an important part of my self-care that can be so easy to forget about in my busy schedule. You can’t pour from an empty cup, which is why self-care is so important for moms. We give so much of ourselves that we need to do something for us. Exercise is part of my personal self-care. It gives me more energy and keeps me centered.

Workout Routine

Monday, Wednesday, and Friday

These days I work on my endurance with HIIT cardio (High-Intensity Interval Training). It has been proven to be the best way to work on my cardiovascular fitness in a short session. It is amazing how much a 15 minute HIIT session can kick my butt!

I also do grip training. Obstacle races include things like rope climbing that require a strong grip. That’s why I need to work on my hand strength.

Tuesday, Thursday, and Weekends

I need to get stronger for the race. To achieve this, I do resistance band training and yoga. Yoga is a total body workout and also increases my flexibility. It also helps to center me, which is important as a mom. With the bands, I focus on a different section of my body each session: upper body, lower body, and core.

To a Stronger Me

Doing each of these exercises 3 times per week is my goal, and other than getting sick, I have stuck to it. If I miss one, I add it onto another day. With this routine, I am building strength, endurance, and flexibility. I’m proud of my gains with my physical fitness and I hope my children are watching and learning so that they can form healthy habits.

Next in my health and fitness journey is to focus on my nutrition and diet. Although I do admit, I will never give up pizza and pasta! Everyone deserves tasty foods after all. Especially busy, overworked moms!

What do you struggle with the most when it comes to physical fitness?

Fitness Update: A Busy Mom's Journey

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