self-care ok to need help and need a hug
Creating Family,  Lifestyle

It’s Okay to Need a Hug

I’ve always wanted to be strong. A strong woman, a strong individual, and a strong mother. So much of my life, I felt weak. I leaned on others for emotional support. I was quick to trust people and also quick to get hurt. So, I thought of myself as weak and I didn’t want to be weak.

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I wanted to be strong.

What I didn’t realize was that I was strong. Being emotional is not the same as being weak. Trusting others is not being weak. In fact, it is the opposite. Showing your emotions opens yourself up to get hurt, same with trusting people. To continuously put yourself out there takes a lot of strength.

It’s okay to need a hug.

That doesn’t make you weak. It makes you human. Everyone needs people around them to love and support them. There is nothing in this world that you should have to tackle alone. The people who love you will always be there to help you when you need. It isn’t a weakness to need or to want that support.

It was a hard lesson.

I spend a lot of my life learning this lesson. I had wasted so much time building a shell around myself to prevent myself from getting hurt. This is what I thought strength was. I thought that if I never got hurt, then I must be strong. What I didn’t realize, was the negativity that was infiltrating my soul by doing this.

It was poisoning me.

So, I re-evaluated my life. I stopped trying to be “tough” and instead started to accept who I really am. I let positivity back into my life. It took a shift in my actions which led to a shift in my thinking. This is not an easy process. When I started to start acting positively toward others, my own thoughts became more positive again. That is what led me back to a happier lifestyle.

Positivity was my salvation.

When I started thinking more positively, I was able to open myself up again. This is what true strength is. Showing my emotions isn’t the easy way out. It is a healing process that takes an incredible amount of vulnerability. Being emotional opens you up and places you in the hand of others. It is an act of pure trust to be emotional around other people.

Being vulnerable is not being weak.

Now I know that true strength comes from putting yourself out there and braving the fact that you may be hurt. Instead of continuing to harden my heart, I made the conscious decision to be strong and brave. I know this means I may be taken advantage of. I might get hurt a lot, but I’m fine with that because this is how I choose to live my life.

I have chosen positivity.

I have chosen trust.

I have chosen love.

I have chosen bravery.

I have chosen strength.

And it’s okay that I need a hug every now and then.

For more about self-care, read 7 Ways to Maintain Sanity as a Mother.

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Lucy At Home UK gentle parenting blogger