Indoor Nature Ideas for Kids – “What Nature Can Teach Us”
The cold months are here and we don’t last long outside. While I strive to inspire you to get outside every day, no matter the temperature, these months can be tough even for the most outdoorsy families. That’s why I’ve decided to focus this installation of “What Nature Can Teach Us” on indoor nature ideas to get a connection to nature even when you can’t get outside.
There are so many fun ways to bring nature play and natural learning inside. These natural play ideas give kids a connection to nature during times when they can’t get outside to play.
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Indoor Nature Play Ideas
Have a Pet
This is the most obvious way to have a connection to nature indoors. Whether it is a dog, cat, or a small fish tank, allowing kids to have a pet in the house teaches responsibility while bringing a connection to the natural world into the house.
Start an Indoor Garden
Plant the seeds of curiosity when you plant and grow seedlings. Kids can watch the process of life unfold before their eyes and learn to care for the plant. There are some great kits you can get that include everything you need to get started.
DOUBLE WHAMMY: Combine growing food with a fish tank with this cool hydroponic system.
Re-Grow Food
Did you know that you could re-grow lettuce and onions from scrapes? By cutting the bottom off and placing it in water, you can watch the plant regrow new. This is a really fun way for kids to observe nature indoors while teaching important lessons like not being wasteful.
Have Indoor Plants
It doesn’t have to be food! Having some potted plants in the house is not only good for the air you breathe, it is also a great way to invite nature into your home. When nature feels so far away, having some indoor plants will help bring it closer.
Compost Indoors
I’ve written about how kids learn from composting before. Composting isn’t an activity that is limited to the outdoors. Try this complete kit for an easy way to get started.
Go Camping Inside
This goes in the “why not” category. Set up a tent in the house or built a fort out of blankets. Use your imagination and what you have on hand to create a fake “campfire” or get this fun kit to gather around and pretend. Want to actually roast marshmallows inside? Try this indoor s’mores kit or simply roast them over the stove!
Watch the Clouds out the Window
There are so many learning opportunities while watching clouds and the best part is that you can do it from indoors as long as you have a window to the sky!
Nature Crafts
If you make it outside at all, gather some sticks and leaves and bring them inside to make some fun nature crafts. I often use this as a transition to the indoors but it is also a fun way to bring nature play inside on colder days.
Natural Sensory Bins
Younger kids love these sensory bins and the best part is that you can use just about anything. Add sticks on cinnamon, orange peel, pinecones, nutshells, and more natural items to your favorite sensory bins. On snowy days, making a snow sensory bin is a fun way to play with the magical substance without standing in the cold.
Indoor Nature “Sink or Float”
Fill a sink or a bathtub with water and experiment with what sinks and what floats. Use natural items like shells, sticks, and rocks, this fun activity will spark new questions. Why does one type of item sink while others float? Expand this experiment to look at what absorbs water too. Put a small amount of water in different bowls to see what items will soak up more!
Make Birdfeeders
There are so many ways to make birdfeeders and it is a great way to feel like you are helping the nature that lives right outside your door.
Read Nature Books
When you can’t be in nature, you can dream about it through the power of the written word. Immerse yourself in a nature story and then try to act it out at home. Just because you don’t have a forest right outside your door doesn’t mean you can’t pretend that your house is one! Reading nature books is a great way to spark the imagination and dream of the outdoors.
Find my favorite fall-themed books here.
Look at Non-Fiction Nature Books
With beautiful pictures and great information, non-fiction nature books can spark curiosity in the natural work for kids indoors, whether they are written for kids or not. We are lucky to live in a time where you can see pictures of nature from across the world and learn from the comfort and warmth of your home.
Indoor Nature on TV
Yes, television. I know many moms will scream, “no screen time” at me but the fact is that there are some great nature shows that will occupy kids indoors while educating them about the natural world. There is nothing wrong with a little screen time, especially when it is educational.
Indoor Natural Play Toys
Natural building blocks and nature-themed toys are a great way to bring natural play indoors. If you don’t have the funds for toys like these, you can always gather sticks and stones from anywhere to bring indoors and watch what amazing games your child’s imagination will come up with. Click on any picture below for more.
Indoor Nature Play Ideas Conclusion
Whether you live in a city and lack access to nature or simply don’t want to go out in the cold, these natural play ideas for the indoors will help you feel that connection to nature in the comfort of your own home. Do you have any favorite indoor nature activities? How do you invite nature into your home?
Looking for more ways winter, snow and nature can teach us?
Check out my full series of “What Nature Can Teach Us” including winter and snow play.
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