Finding Time to Exercise
It is so easy to stop taking care of yourself once you have to take care of someone else. I have often forgotten to eat or shower. Finding time to exercise was far from my mind. I was so low on energy that I couldn’t even imagine completing a workout routine. However, I had gained 70 pounds during my pregnancy and was determined to lose it all and get fit once more. I was motivated, but once more I had to get over my preconceived notions about what it means to exercise and workout. Before kids, a workout would last for an hour and consist of multiple sets of different exercises. I would be focused and determined. This is not something you can do with a young child that is always demanding attention. So how did I find time to get fit?
First was simply to walk.
I walk around the house, around the grocery store, and around the neighborhood. My son loves being outside and so taking him out in the stroller is a great way to do something he enjoys and get exercise myself. These walks started very short. I slowly increased the duration of each walk until we would regularly walk for over an hour! Instead of driving to the park that is a mile away, we would walk there. The whole time we were walking I would either talk to my son about our environment, pointing out cars, animals, etc, or I would bring a portable bluetooth speaker and we would listen to music. It is so much fun to explore together and I get to work on myself and my health.
My main trick for exercise is to use naptime!
Naps are the time to do dishes, cook, clean, shower, and take care of yourself. I started to set 15-20 minutes aside during naptime to exercise since this goes under the taking care of yourself category. At first, I was trying to do traditional workouts that consisted of things like running in place, jumping jacks, and other more high impact exercises. This did not work very well since my house is very small and old so stomping and moving around quickly like I was caused my son to wake up several times. So I gave that up and almost gave up exercising during naptime altogether. I still had a lot of weight to lose though and was determined to make the quick naptime sessions work.
This is how I found yoga!
It’s a quiet way to tone and strength your entire body. I found videos online and different apps on my phone that would demonstrate a session for me and I would follow along saw an immediate difference. I had more energy and was starting to lose weight faster. It’s always a short session since naptime is the only time I have for so many other things but I have found even these short sessions when done regularly, make a huge impact. Now I don’t feel like myself if I don’t do my yoga sessions several times a week. It helps to center and relax me, as well as keeping me fit. Best thing is all I needed was a yoga mat!
Other Exercises
To fit in other types of exercise you don’t have to do a complete workout all at once and it does not have to be a formal session. I no longer took out an exercise mat and wore appropriate workout clothes. Instead, I had to fit whatever I could into my daily routines. I do squats while brushing my teeth. While washing dishes, I walk in place. When I am standing in line at the store, I grab my heavy diaper bag and do bicep curls. As a parent, sneaking a quick set or two is a major accomplishment.
Another trick is to make exercise fun!
While playing with my little one I do “baby lifts”, lifting him up over my head while his laughter as my encouragement. We will run around the house playing hide and seek and I will keep moving my feet even when I’m “hiding”. My son loves when I pick him up and tumble him around and so I use this play as both strength training (lifting my son) and endurance/cardio (chasing after him). I love to utilize the versatile plank. Planking works out your entire body and my son would have a lot of fun running around me in circles and trying to climb on top of me. This made maintaining the plank more difficult so it would challenge me. Fun for him and an increased challenge for me is what I call a win-win!
I find that fitting these quick workouts into my life helps my mood as well as my energy. I’m calmer and more centered and my attention span lengthened. All of this allows me to focus more on my son and keep up with his crazy antics. When, as a parent, you feel better about yourself, you have an increased ability to be present for your children. That is why I find it so important to set time aside every day to take care of myself, including exercise!
For a great workout app that fits perfectly with in a busy mom’s schedule, check out Gixo!

These are great tips. I was so lazy after my son was born that I wish I had of thought of things like this to add exercises into my every day routine.
Thanks! Hopefully I can remember to do this after my second is born too!
tiffany day
These are amazing tip! I habe thought about yoga but never find the time. I can def take 15 mins out of my day to do this!
I just use some YouTube videos and/or an app on my phone! Makes it easy to squeeze in
Brandi Michel
Exercise is so hard with little ones around, but including them in the workout always worked for me. Doing baby lifts like you said and working out at the park were my favorite ways to get it in!
Yes! I agree.
You just help out so many busy moms who are really struggling to find time for exercise. Yoga is a really good thing you can do for your inner strength especially for a mom who is just having a busy and stressful schedule. Playing with a great activity which makes a good connection between kid & mom.
Thank you!
Gwendolyn Reinhard
These are all great tips for finding time to fit exercise and strength training into your busy day as a mom! I am a runner and wake up at the crack of dawn to get my run and usually a strength workout in before my 16 month old daughter wakes up, but some days it is hard to wake up that early! Naptime definitely goes fast so finding short workouts that make the most impact are perfect. Yoga is so good for your body and mind. What a great thing to do for yourself while your little one is snoozing away 🙂
Thank you! And props to you for running early! I have bad knees so I can’t run without limping for a few days, the yoga really helped that as well.
Girl, I told myself I was going to walk or run with my stroller when my son was born. NOPE. I have been so lazy 🙁
I feel ya! I was really motivated because I had gained so much weight and I really wanted to lose it. I have bad knees so the extra weight was really bad for me and was making them hurt so much worse!
These are some awesome tips. I definitely have a hard time trying to include some type of excersise in my daily routine.thanks.
I hope it works for you!
These are great tips! My favorite exercise is that which I do with my granddaughter.
Thank you!
Michelle P.
I love the workout routine you did! Haha never thought about doin squats while I wash dishes and especially yoga while the kids nap. I will definitely try once I have my baby ☺️
Thanks for the tips
I hope it works for you !
This is great! I can totally relate and understand how easy it is to forget to take care of ourselves. I love the idea of doing bicep curls with your heavy diaper bag!
Thanks! I may have gotten weird looks doing that in public, but who cares?!?!
I love that infographic of workouts while getting ready, i love to do random exercises while getting my 2 year old ready because i hardly have time to properly exercise on days i have to go to work early
Thank you!
These are really great ideas. It’s so easy to use kids as an excuse when it comes to exercise, but your post really shows that it can still be done with kids. I needed that today
Thank you!
This is so vital! Taking care of yourself is just as important as taking care of your little. I’m only 4 weeks pp and I’m itching to exercise again, as much as I love walks they do get boring. Thank you for posting these ideas!
I always liked trying to make new routes with my walks. It’s hard right after baby though since you don’t have the energy to get very far!
Thank you for posting these great ideas! I try to get up before everyone else in the house to get in an energizing workout before my day starts. But that doesn’t always happen, and these are great tips for getting in some exercise anyway!
I used to be great about getting up early, but lately not so much. Have to find a way somehow!
Yes! Hardest thing to do is making time for myself to exercise while caring for my two little girls at home. I love the ideas and the routine you provided!
Thank you!
This is so great! I totally needed this. I did yoga daily while I was pregnant but have been so tired and busy lately I haven’t gone back to it. Thanks for the tips and encouragement!
I really feels that it helps me clear my mind even if I only do it for 20 minutes, which is my average!
Lisa Wingerter @ https://meandmymomfriends.com
Completely realistic ideas! Honestly, there is no way I could just spend an hour a day or even a week at the gym. I always find ways to get some exercise in that includes my son. We go for a lot of walks in the spring and fall. In the summer, we do a lot of swimming or playing ball in the yard. This winter, my son is learning to ice skate, so I am out on the ice for 2-3 hours a week minimum getting my legs moving.
Perfect! I love it!
Love this! So doable!
good for you on staying with a routine! I could not get my fitness routine together until my kids were older, unfortunately.
It’s not so much of a routine as adding exercise into other daily activities and rethinking what I define as exercise! haha
This is so true! It’s so hard to find time for exercise as a mom. Can’t wait to try your tips!
Thanks! It was one of the biggest struggles for me as a new mom to figure this out!
I love the busy mom guide! Getting exercises in while doing your regular tasks is a great idea! Thank you for the tips and tricks 🙂
Thanks!!! It’s all about packing as much physical activity into each task! Haha
These are great ideas. My kids are getting older and I still struggle to find the time or motivation to get in exercise. Doesn’t help that winters are really long here. Thanks for the creative ideas!
Winter is a lot harder since you can’t go foe long walks. I’ve been running in circles (literaly).