Toddler’s Winter Bucket List
Winter is a tough time to be a kid, and even tougher as a parent. It can be hard to keep yourself occupied. Cold weather and storms make you want to stay indoors, but then you end up getting cabin fever! Kids especially need to stay active, whether that is in or out of the house. So what activities can you do in the winter with toddlers? I asked my son and this we came up with this toddler’s winter bucket list.
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My son has so much energy that we always need to plan activities. In the summer, it’s easy. We play outside almost all day! There are hikes, parks, and pools to explore. The sun is shining and everyone is in a better mood. Winter tends to put a damper on things. Not only are there many days of rain, snow and extreme cold, the sun simply doesn’t shine as much. All this combined makes you want to snuggle on the couch and be lazy. That doesn’t fly with toddlers though. They need stimulation and activity!
That’s why I decided to share my toddler’s winter bucket list!
These are all activities that I have done (or plan to do) with my toddler. I even bring the baby along for all of these!
I’m going to divide my toddler’s winter bucket list into two sections: things to do in the house and things to do out of the house. They are equally important and the more winter activities you can check off the bucket list, the better your winter will be!
Getting out of the House
Local libraries are a great way to get out of the house. They always have a children’s area with some toys and, of course, lots of books. This simple change of scenery can do wonders for you and your toddler. Plus, there are often other kids there so there is the possibility for social interaction. Libraries often have free programs for kids, like story times. Check with your local library to see what they offer.
Children’s Museum
Children’s museums are like big indoor play spaces that offer areas of learning. We have been to a few and they are always a lot of fun. It’s a great place to explore and get out some of a toddler’s energy. Each museum has their own unique exhibits so if you have multiple nearby make sure to check them all out! They also often have special events that you can check with your local museum to find out about.
Visit a Museum
Don’t limit yourself to children’s museums. Although they are geared specifically to kids, other museums still have plenty to offer kids. They also often have free days. It’s a great way to get out of the house and see something new. Just be prepared to move through it quickly and see the same exhibits more than once!
Trampoline parks are such a great way to jump the crazies out! When a toddler just has endless energy, going to a trampoline park like Bounce (in Poughkeepsie, NY) is sure to tire them (and you) out. Make sure to check their hours because they might even have a specific toddler time when it is only open to kids under 6! We’ve gone once so far this year and I know this will be included on my toddler’s winter bucket list every year now!
Cold Weather Hiking
When you bundle up, hiking is still a great activity even in the cold. Just make sure to wear warm clothes and follow your toddler’s lead. They know when they have had enough of the cold. We are a big hiking family so doing some cold weather hiking was definitely on my toddler’s winter bucket list. Make sure to have some good gloves to keep those little hands warm! These ones from Columbia are the only ones that my toddler will keep on (most of the time).
Indoor Play Group
Find somewhere that organizes an indoor playgroup. There are a couple near where I live that are held in gyms. They put out a bunch of toys, especially ride on toys and open it up for toddlers to come and play! It’s a great way to socialize and get energy out. I meet up with other moms at these groups so that I can get some time socializing too. The best part is we don’t have to chase after our kids because it’s all enclosed in the gym!
At the House
Arts and Crafts
This is a great activity for any toddler. Break out the paint and do some finger painting, or try one of these 5 paint projects that promote learning. If you don’t like the mess with paint, try painting with Tupperware. You can play with play-doh, or make something out of popsicle sticks!
If you don’t like needing to set up activities, there are some great subscription boxes that will send you all the supplies you need, along with directions. Kiwi Co. is my favorite. The activities in their boxes are designed for specific age groups and are all centered around a theme that they get to learn and explore. These boxes are not just fun, they are educational. Read more about them here.
Bake Cookies
Baking cookies is always a great indoor activity, plus eating them afterward will boost your winter mood! Don’t be afraid to let your toddler help. My son loves to scoop up flour, pour it into the bowl and stir. The best kinds of cookies are the kinds that you can use cookie cutters with like gingerbread and sugar cookies. Using different shaped cookie cutters is a great way to incorporate more learning into this activity too. This is a favorite activity in my house so it had to be included on my toddler’s winter bucket list. It always gets messy, but it’s worth it for how much fun we have!
Play Indoor Games
Build a fort or obstacle course, play some board games, get creative! There are tons of ways to play inside if you put your mind to it. Read about our 13 favorite indoor activities for my active toddler.
Go Sledding
I live in the Hudson Valley in New York. This means we get snow. So of course included in my toddler’s winter bucket list is to go sledding. We were able to do this with the first snow storm that dumped a foot of snow on us! The smile on my son’s face was priceless. While you have the snow, make sure to build a snowman and make some snow angels too!
Read Books
Reading is so beneficial for children and is a great way to bond. Picking out some good winter-themed books is a fun way to teach about the weather going on outside. We are really into ABC and sight word books right now as my son has just learned his letters. Any excuse to practice them is great! He picks out a book and reads it to me. I couldn’t be prouder. Other great books are ones that have motion included, like Elmo Says!
Play in the Rain
I remember as a kid one of my favorite things to do was to play in the rain! I’d throw on my raincoat and some rain boots and go stomping in the puddles. This is a must for any toddler’s winter bucket list! Run around in the rain, then come inside to get warm and dry by a nice fire. That sounds like a perfect day to me!
Snuggle up and Watch a Movie
Now I know I said this was about ways to avoid the screen during winter, but it’s ok to have a day where you snuggle under a blanket and watch movies. It’s great to limit screen time, but sometimes you need to give yourself a break. I have had plenty of days where I just am not feeling it. These are the days that I decide to watch T.V. It’s much better to have a day in front of the screen than to get frustrated and snap! So don’t feel bad about having these days. It’s perfectly fine (and we all do it).
What is on your toddler’s winter bucket list? Tell me your favorite winter activities in the comments below!

Laura Adney
Looks like a fun bucket list!
Thank you!
Love the Tupperware painting!
It’s so much fun!