Sweet Penny and the Lion
We all want our children to be “good”, to do what they are told. However, this can go too far, can’t it? Sometimes rules need to be broken for a child to assert their independence and find out who they are. Personally, I want my children to grow up bold and brave, even if that means some frustration for me on occasion as they challenge me.
Califf Creations was supplied with a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. This by no means influenced the review.
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When it comes to the books we read our children, they all seem to have a similar message. Be good, listen to your parents, be kind to others, etc. These are great messages, but don’t you think there is more to life than just that?
Sweet Penny and the Lion is a tale about a little girl that always does what she is told. She absolutely never breaks a rule no matter what. This ends up getting her in trouble one day in the playground when she was told not to move a lion shows up. Since she is so “good”, she refuses to move and the lion eats her. When she emerges, she is a changed girl and refuses to be taken advantage of again.
I found this book really relatable to my own life. As a girl who used to always want to be good and who never wanted to cause stress to my parents, I took a long time to learn to assert myself. Once I was “eaten by a lion” and emerged, I learned to be daring and assert myself in order to avoid being taken advantage of. I think the earlier in life that people, especially women, learn this lesson the better.
This is why I think that Sweet Penny and the Lion is a very clever way to celebrate and promote strength in women. I wouldn’t call it a moral tale, but it teaches an important life lesson that most kids won’t learn until they grow up. It’s important to test limits and to speak up for yourself, not to just blend in with the crowd by being too “good”.
The only problem I have with this story is that Sweet Penny seems to take it a little too far. Being bold and standing up for yourself is one thing, cutting to the front of a line just because you can is another thing entirely. That being said, I still like the overall message in this story.
My son enjoyed it as well. Usually, I can never pick out his bedtime story. He’s two and is asserting his will just like Sweet Penny at the end of this story! When I picked Sweet Penny and the Lion though, he sat nicely on my lap and listened. That is a rarity these days so I know he liked the book.
My favorite thing about Sweet Penny and the Lion is the illustrations. They are unique and yet colorful and engaging. Every kid’s book seems to have the same basic cutesy quality to the illustrations. Sweet Penny and the Lion is different. It almost reminds me of a comic book or a political cartoon. To me, it was really refreshing to see someone going outside of the box in a picture book.
There is a simplicity about the drawings that make them very appealing to kids, while still having enough detail to display emotions and actions. The look on Sweet Penny’s face as she emerges from the lion is absolutely amazing!
I look forward to finding more books like Sweet Penny and the Lion by Richard Fairgray and Alexander Burke. It’s about time we had some books that teach us to be fierce. That’s a lesson you shouldn’t have to learn the hard way. You shouldn’t have to be eaten by a lion to learn that you can be who you want to be.
Get your copy of Sweet Penny and the Lion by ordering through Amazon here!

This sounds like a fantastic book! It’s just kind of like, at what age is that OK to break a rule? I think it’s definitely a grey area but you would want your kids to be safe and not so rule oriented that they get harmed.
It is a grey area for sure. Ultimately, it’s up to the parents to decide when they feel it’s ok for their child to start being more assertive.
These little illustrations are so cute! My daughter also doesn’t need help in the assertiveness department 😅 but I think this will be a fun read!
I love the illustrations! It’s a fun book.
I love using books to teach life lessons to my kids. My daughter is a total rule follower and is worried about her behavioral chart in Kindergarten. She has a boy who keeps trying to hit her and we are teaching her to not worry so much about getting in trouble and stand up to him!! I think I need this one.
Aw. That was me as a kid! I never stood up for myself. Took me a long time to learn my leason.
I love the overall message! Sounds like a good book. Like you, I fear the extreme of the message…my 9 year old always listened and followed direction, but my 13 month old is basically the opposite. I’ll have to hedge by bets before opting to read her this story!
I like the idea of having stories that show both messages, following and challenging the rules. Now, it’s up to my husband and me to teach how to balance the two.
I love the illustrations! I’m always on the hunt for good reads for my little ones, so I’ll definitely have to check this one out.
The illustrations are my favorite part!
Books are best way to teach some good lessons about life. Well yes I am also little confused but still looks a good book from it’s illustrations. Love to see more book reviews.
Brigette Collins
I also agree with “going to far”. I still feel like there should be some influence of only being bold when you have to be. I think this book does look really cute and I would love to check it!
I think it’s great to have books showing both sides. Then it’s up to the parents to teach kids to balance being bold with being good.
this looks like such a great book!
The illustrations are the best part.
Thanks for the honest review. I would love to read this to my little but now know to tell her about reigning in her assertiveness! Strong but kind is how I want to raise her!
I agree!
Sounds like a cute book! I agree that it is great to allow our children room to stand up for themselves.. just hope I can hang on for this ride 😂
It’s a crazy ride that’s for sure!!!
Hmm interesting.
You want your children to be well disciplined, do the right thing/as they’re told but also to be strong and brave as well.
The misconception here is that you can be well disciplined but also stand your ground and be strong/fearless when there are threats around and take the appropriate steps to move forward from the situation.
I agree. I think it’s great that there are books starting to show the bold side, but it’s important for parents to teach the balance.
This sounds like an interesting book. I wonder, however, why the authors would choose to take Penny’s boldness too far. I want my kids to learn that being powerful does not mean you take advantage of those who are weaker. This sounds like a book that missed the mark.
I was curious about that as well. I think there are a lot of books that are doing this though. It’s a fun story, but it’s important for parents to explain that there is a difference between being bold and being bratty. You have to find a balance between asserting yourself and following the rules.
I love books that teach great life lessons. Thanks for sharing!
They are the best books!
Meghan Vance
It’s like this post was put here for me just at the right time! My husband and I were just talking about how to teach our boy who is about to start kindergarten just that! I will definitely be getting this book so thanks for sharing!
There are too few that teach this lesson! I hope you enjoy it!