
Sunshine Award Take 2

I’m unbelievably stunned to have been nominated for the Sunshine Award for the second time! I’ve been blogging for about 2 months now, so to be recognized like this by other bloggers is such an incredible honor. This journey has been difficult, frustrating, and incredibly rewarding all at the same time.

The Sunshine Blogger Award is an award from bloggers to other bloggers and is meant to inspire creativity and positivity. It’s a really fun way to connect with each other and to expand everyone’s horizons a little bit, as well as introducing our readers to other blogs that we enjoy.

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I was nominated by Lisa of Me and My Mom Friends. She shares all the great little things that she and her mom friends have learned about being a mom with the goal of helping others. There are great tips and since she has so many mom friends, there is a collective feel about her blog that many moms will find very helpful.

As part of this award, I have been given 11 questions to answer. Then, I will give 11 other bloggers 11 questions to answer themselves. So without further delay, on to the fun part!

My Answers

  1. What do love most about blogging? I really enjoy when I get comments from people saying how my posts have helped them, or that they relate to what I’ve written. We have had crazy, unique journeys and the fact that people can learn and grow from mine is amazing.
  2. What has been the most difficult part of blogging? For me, it’s been the promoting on social media. I didn’t have any accounts except for a personal Facebook before starting on this adventure. In fact, I hated Instagram because I was a film photographer and I hated everything that led to its downfall. I didn’t know anything about Twitter or Pinterest and am still trying to figure them all out.
  3. How long have you been a blogger? My blog went live at the beginning of January. That’s when I started everything. So, only about two months.
  4. Where does your inspiration come from? I draw inspiration from my family and my daily life. I write about being a mother, family life, crafting, and cooking. These are all things I do in my regular life and I simply try and share my experiences with others.\
  5. If you could be any animal, what would you be and why? I would be a dolphin. They are my favorite animal. They are so intelligent and get to live in the ocean, which is pretty cool in my opinion! Plus, they always look like they are having so much fun.
  6. Morning Person, Night Owl, or Somewhere in-between? When I was younger, before becoming a parent, I would have easily described myself as a night owl. Now, I’d say somewhere in-between. I get up early, but out of necessity and I’m not very functional for a little while at least.
  7. Do you have any pets? I have one dog named Laney. She is a 75-pound mutt, part pit bull, part hound, part sweetheart, and part crazy. She was a rescue and is a big sister to my son now!
  8. Where do you live, and where else have you lived? I currently live on Long Island in New York, although hopefully soon will be moving upstate into Orange County. I grew up in California just north of San Francisco and spent my summers in northern Minnesota.
  9. Favorite ice cream flavor? This is one I’m weird with. My favorite is mint chocolate chip, but only with the shaved chocolate. The reason is that I don’t actually like chocolate (I know I’m strange), but any mint ice cream I’ve tried doesn’t taste like the same kind of mint. When it has the chunks of chocolate, I try to eat around it.
  10. What is the best vacation you have been on? That’s a hard one. When I was in high school I went to Ecuador and the Galapagos, which was a dream come true, but I didn’t know anyone on the trip and didn’t really make friends. Recently, my husband and I went on our first ever relaxing vacation which was a cruise to Bermuda (kid free). This was absolutely amazing. I’d say these two are tied since they were both great, for different reasons.
  11. Why do you blog? To be honest, I’m trying to earn a living off of it. I want to stay home with my son and be present for him. I never really started a career after college and every job I’ve tried (which is a lot) just didn’t feel right. It was always frustrating and I hated being treated poorly. So I decided to try and strike out on my own with a blog!

Here are my Nominees

  1. Childhood Explored
  2. Family By Choice
  3. Mommy Needs Cookies
  4. Home and Hustle
  5. Naturally Messy Motherhood
  6. Happy Living Blog
  7. Crafting Happiness
  8. Chaos and Quiet
  9. New Momma Survival
  10. The House That Never Slumbers
  11. The Olden Chapters

My Questions for my Nominees

  1. What is your favorite subject to blog about?
  2. Why did you start blogging?
  3. What is your main motivation to continue blogging and become successful?
  4. Who is your favorite fictional character?
  5. If you could sit down with any famous person and ask one question, who would it be, and what would your question be?
  6. What is your favorite activity to do in your spare time?
  7. Do you prefer sunrises or sunsets?
  8. What is your idea of romance?
  9. If you could be any superhero, who would you be?
  10. What is your dream vacation that you haven’t been able to take?
  11. Would you change anything about your life and if so, what would it be?

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I hope everyone has fun reading and answering all these questions. Let’s continue to inspire each other and learn and grow as a community. It’s an honor to be recognized with the Sunshine Blogger Award and I look forward to reading all of your posts. Please make sure to send me the links!

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Lucy At Home UK gentle parenting blogger