Spreading Joy in Times of Uncertainty
With the world in turmoil, a little bit of joy goes a long way. Kids are home from school and nobody is quite sure what to do with themselves. We are grasping for any type of social interaction and any small ray of sunshine we can find. Spreading joy and positivity are really important right now. One positive that I have seen is that a lot of families are taking more walks outside together. It is a great way to bond, be active, and get fresh air in this uncertain time.
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The other day, my 4-year-old was asking to go for a walk. He said he wanted to do something nice for “all the sick people” out there. Since he is missing his preschool, he knew something was going on and he wanted to try and help. This is what led me to the idea of spreading joy around our town in small ways. It can take many forms, these little acts of kindness. The purpose is to bring a smile to people’s faces when they go on their walks. It is my goal to teach my boys kindness by being a role model.
Spreading Joy Around Town
This idea led me to a new idea that I will continue to do on our walks around town. We grabbed a bucket of chalk and started walking. Every so often, we stopped a drew on the sidewalk. We left little suns, hearts, and rainbows all over town. My son even drew the Earth and he was really proud of that one!
Every house we walked past, we stopped and drew a heart. When we crossed a sidewalk, we would draw on both sides. One said would have a sun with the saying “A Ray of Sunshine”, and then the other side would also have a sun with the saying “To Brighten your Day.” I wrote “Thank You” outside the firehouse and a local pizza restaurant to show them that people are thinking of them. The purpose of these drawings is to bring a smile to people’s faces in a time when worry wears on their thoughts.
Other Ideas for Spreading Joy
While I love doing little chalk drawings to spread joy, there are plenty of other ways to do this. You can get some flowers and put them around town. Paint a rock and put it somewhere so someone else can find it and smile. If you think it would make you smile, it counts as spreading joy. Kids have the biggest hearts and they love to help others. In times of uncertainty, this is a great opportunity to teach them kindness.
Draw and Send Digital Copies to Thank Workers
Spreading joy is especially important when it comes to our healthcare workers. They are the frontlines and deserve our appreciation. Other workers that could use a little pick me up are the people working in restaurants for take out, our grocery store and convenience store workers, truckers, and fast-food workers. These people are out there working hard to make sure that we all have access to the things we need.
While sending a physical drawing isn’t possible right now so taking a picture of it and emailing that in is sure to bring a smile to their faces. Maybe you can even talk to your kid’s friends and get them all to contribute. Show these workers how much we appreciate them. Nothing makes people smile more than a child’s drawing.
Not sure where to send your drawing? Send it to katcaliff@califfcreations.com and I will send it on to you. Or you can send it to me on Instagram! Direct message me at @califflifecreations or simply tag me and I’ll send it along!
Keep Spreading Joy Everywhere
The best thing you can do is just to smile at people. Offer to help each other out and be willing to accept help when it is offered to you. Be kind to each other. Spreading joy isn’t hard. You never know how much a smile can affect someone else’s day and transform it for the better. The simple act of holding a door open for someone can lift their spirits. Spreading joy, positivity, and kindness is how we move forward together.
So draw your rainbows and whatever else you want out in town and bring a smile to someone’s face. Check out our other activities and adventures on Instagram and tag @califflifecreations when you share how you are spreading joy!