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Creating Family

How to Survive the Mechanic with a Toddler

I always dreaded getting my car serviced. Having to bring a child with me just made it that much worse. Most mechanics near me don’t have a park or anywhere we can walk to while the work is completed, so we are stuck in the little waiting room until it is over. This is not my idea of fun any day, and for a 2-year-old, it’s torture.

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Every car needs regular maintenance. Oil changes, inspections, tune-ups. They are all part of owning a car and keeping it in good shape. It’s not fun, but it’s necessary. If you don’t have anyone to watch your children while you take care of these, you have no choice but to bring them along. This is pretty much what I imagined the seventh layer of hell is like. The first few times I had to do it, I confirmed my suspicions.

Then, I started to learn from the mistakes I was making. I learned how to make it less miserable and even almost fun. So, how do I survive it? Here are my tips and tricks for keeping this necessary experience as painless and stress-free as possible!

Be Prepared

You never know how long these trips will last. They could be 20 minutes, they could be an hour or more. It’s best to be over prepared than to be underprepared. That means bringing snacks, water, diapers and wipes (if still in diapers) and lots of entertainment! My son loves books, so I packed four. It’s best to pack small books, but if there is a favorite that is larger, go ahead and bring it. This way he has his choice and I don’t get annoyed reading the same book 10 times (although that still may happen). Toys are another important thing. Since there may be other people in the waiting room with you, make sure to bring quiet toys. Dinosaurs, cars, airplanes, and dolls are all great options.

All of this requires a bag that is big enough to hold it of course. I prefer to use a backpack since it’s easier to carry. Since my son is still in diapers, I prefer to bring my diaper bag since it is usually already packed with diapers and wipes.


The more you stress about keeping your toddler entertained, the more they will misbehave. It’s amazing what kids pick up on. I have found that when I’m stressed, it seems like my son does everything he can make it worse. In reality, my stress is simply rubbing off on him and it snowballs. If you can manage to relax and simply play with your toddler in that tiny waiting room, the whole experience will be a lot more enjoyable for everyone.

Accept They will get Dirty

The floors are dirty there and toddlers are active and will want to run and crawl around. Dressing them in old clothes or clothes that you don’t care about will help to reduce your stress when they get dirty. When I take my son, he likes to push his car around the floor and scoot along. His pants got FILTHY! His hands did too. That’s when wipes and hand sanitizer came in handy. The best way to handle this is to just relax. Getting dirty is perfectly fine for kids, In fact, it can actually strengthen their immune system!

For more about this ready why I call Myself the Anti-“Lysol Mom”.

Go Early

Going to the mechanic early in the day ensures that your service will be done faster. The later in the day you go, the more that can happen to put everyone behind schedule. If possible, make an appointment. This will help even more.

Have you had to make these trips with your kids? It took me several miserable experiences to figure this out that hopefully, I can spare you, making it a little more tolerable. Of course, the best solution is to only get your car serviced when someone else can watch your children. That may not be very practical though so when the inevitable does happen, just remember: be prepared, relax, accept that they will get dirty, and go early!

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