Preparing a Child for a New Baby and Becoming a Sibling
Creating Family

A Growing Family Part 4 – Preparing an Older Sibling

Having a second child is a major change in the dynamics of a family. An only child is becoming a sibling, going from being the center of attention and having to share the love and attention of their parents. This can be a huge adjustment for them. It’s important to make sure that they don’t end up feeling forgotten with a new baby around. With proper preparation, it is possible to ease this transition and begin forming the strong bond between siblings that parents dream of.

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I put a lot of thought into this as soon as my husband and I decided to try for a second child. We both always wanted two children, as then they have a playmate to grow up with, but I knew it would take a lot of work. I have been home with my son for the majority of his life and he isn’t used to needing to share me. He is used to being the center of my world. Now, a second boy is entering the picture and my son will be learning to share his mommy.

Preparing a Child for a New Baby and Becoming a Sibling

Start Early

I started preparing him as soon as we started trying for a second baby by getting books to read. There are so many great big brother/sister books that explain the joys of a growing family. Reading these books early on is a great way to prepare. Getting several different books that you can alternate and read often is the best way to start getting them used to the idea that a baby will be entering the picture soon. Use these books as a way to open up the topic and talk about babies constantly.

There is a great series of four books by Rachel Fuller that covers everything from pregnancy to life with a new baby. These books are a great way to introduce every stage and is gender neutral so that the same books can be used whether your toddler is becoming a brother or a sister.

Phrases to Use

  • You’re going to be a big brother/sister!
  • Are you excited to be a big brother/sister?
  • Your baby brother/sister is in mommy’s tummy!
  • Where is your baby brother/sister? (direct them to point at mommy’s belly)
  • Do you want to give your baby brother/sister a kiss? (again directing them to kiss mommy’s tummy)
  • Do you know your baby brother/sister’s name? (if you know it, teaching them the name can help it seem more real and sink in that baby is a real person)

Let Them Help

Allow them to help with anything they can. The nursery is the perfect place to practice this. They can help you unpack their old clothes, handing them to you as you sort them and put them away. If you need to paint, have them help! Like most help from a toddler, it might not actually be THAT helpful. Allowing them the chance to try is important so they feel like they have been a part of the process. It also opens up the chances for more conversations as you explain why you need certain items.

Involving a toddler in your own preparation is such a great way to get more done and take advantage of all the teachable moments that arise. If you plan to do meal prep, you can have them help pour ingredients into a bag while explaining that these are meals you will eat as a family later. When you put together the crib, they can hand you the screws as you explain that the baby will sleep there. Completing these tasks together will ease frustration for everyone, which is always a good thing since less frustration means fewer temper tantrums!

Once the new baby arrives, an older sibling can continue to help, even with diaper changes! Find out how!

Using a Doll

We made the big announcement about my pregnancy to our families on his second birthday by giving him a Water Baby doll as a present. Having a doll, he could start learning how to hold a baby. We also used this doll as a tool to explain how he needs to be gentle with babies because they are small and fragile. The water baby doll is specifically made to feel like holding a real baby which made it perfect for this purpose.

Preparing a Child for a New Baby and Becoming a Sibling

Once the new baby arrives, this doll will come in handy as well. Toddlers love to be helpful, but with a new baby, this can be problematic. Having their own doll they can copy how you care for the baby instead of trying to help at inappropriate times like feeding and bathing. There are so many doll accessories that you can get to help with this as well like a bottle to “feed” their doll.

A Gift for Baby from Sibling

When it’s coming close to time for the new baby to make their arrival, take your first born to a store and have them pick out a gift to give at the hospital. A lovey would be perfect. This also teaches them about sharing with their new sibling. It’s such a great way to begin the bonding process.

I took my son to Build-A-Bear so that he could make a bear to give to his new little brother. He picked out a bear, stuffed and dressed it. It was a great experience and he really enjoyed it. I will admit since this was his first time going to Build-A-Bear, he became very attached to the bear he made.

Preparing a Child for a New Baby and Becoming a Sibling

We ended up picking out a WubbaNub pacifier for him to give to his baby brother instead. He loved that bear so much that I didn’t have it in me to take it away!

A Gift from Baby to Sibling

Doing this was really important to me. The first few days are going to be the hardest for the older sibling. All the focus is on mom and the new baby. It will be easy for them to start feeling forgotten, which is exactly what I want to avoid. Having a new toy that will be a “gift from the baby” will help to distract them while at the hospital and begin forming the sibling bond. It needs to be something small enough to transport, give, and play with at the hospital.

The gift should also be related to something that they will really love. The point is to have the gift make them start to love their new sibling, so make it special. For example, my son is really into Toy Story right now. It’s perfect that they make actual toy versions on both Woody and Buzz Lightyear!

Other Ideas

Plan a Weekend Trip

Before the new baby arrives, plan a small family vacation. It will be the last big thing you will do as a family of 3. The point of this is to try and make lasting memories and spend time together before the craziness begins. When my family had this weekend, it was so great to get away and just focus on my son for a couple of days without worrying about anything. Get away from all the preparation and cleaning. Take a break and relax. It was one last getaway where he was the center of attention and it was so much fun!

I recommend making this trip something special. We went to Strasburg, PA because they have a lot of activities revolving around trains (which my son loves). To read more about our trip, stay tuned for A Growing Family Part 5!

A Weekend Trip for a Train Vacation - Preparing an Older Sibling

Also, don’t forget to read the rest of my “A Growing Family” series:

Part 1: Baby #2 To-Do List
Part 2: Supplies for Baby #2
Part 3: Preparing Your Dog

Preparing a Child for a New Baby and Becoming a Sibling

Preparing a Child for a New Baby and Becoming a Sibling

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