Gift Guide for the Visually Impaired
Holiday,  Products

Gift Guide for the Visually Impaired

My father has always been a large part of my life. I am very close to him and so when the holidays come around I want to get him something nice. Several years ago, he started to lose his vision. It has gotten progressively worse and he is now legally blind, walking with a seeing cane. He was already hard to find gifts for and becoming visually impaired didn’t help that at all.

So, what do you get as a gift for someone who is visually impaired? I have found that tools to make his life easier are among some of the most appreciated gifts I can give to my visually impaired father. This can be helping him see locate items in the house or enjoy things that he enjoyed before, like books. I compiled some of the best gifts to give to your loved ones that are visually impaired.

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Best Gifts for the Visually Impaired

Amazon Echo

These devices are amazing with what they can do to help the visually impaired. From turning on their favorite song to adding items to a shopping list, Alexa can help make life easier and more enjoyable. They come in various sizes to fit any lifestyle too!



Tile Pro

These are great to attach to things that are constantly getting lost. Whether it is house keys or a wallet, attaching a Tile to it will help your loved one find the essentials. They also work with Alexa so they are perfect to gift together with the Echo.

Pen Friend 2 Labels for the Visually Impaired

This is one of the coolest tools I’ve seen. You can record your voice onto labels to mark common household items or medications that might feel the same to the touch. Then, you use the special pen to “read” these labels. This helps a visually impaired person identify objects on their own and maintain some self-sufficiency.

Carson EZ Read Magnifier

How about a magnifier that transforms your TV into a digital reader? Sounds pretty neat right? This magnifier connects to your tv to magnify text. The bigger your TV, the bigger the text will be!

Bump Dots for the Visually Impaired

Anything that provides tactile marking is helpful for the visually impaired. These bump dots do just that. You can place them on the buttons of the microwave, remote, and telephone to know what buttons to push. They are another great tool to help people gain more self-sufficiency.

Keyboard Cover for the Visually Impaired

The small letters and numbers on a keyboard are practically impossible for the visually impaired to see. A good cover the has enlarged versions for the keyboard is so helpful in using a computer.

Talking Button Alarm Clock

I know when I wake up one of the first things I wonder is what time it is. This large button is a great gift for the visually impaired. You hit the big button to have it tell you the time and date so that you never feel like you are losing track of the day.

Auditory Books

Whether it’s an individual book or a subscription to a service, this makes a great gift. People who are visually impaired, like my dad, don’t want to give up reading. Movies are no longer a good source of entertainment either. That is what makes books on tape perfect! It is a source of entertainment that they can fully enjoy.


This is another great way to allow an escape. Music provides joy that other sources of entertainment don’t. So gift a subscription to a music streaming service or a portable listening device pre-loaded with their favorite artists! Anything auditory is a perfect gift for the visually impaired.

I hope this gives you some great ideas and inspiration for your loved one. My father helped me come up with this list so most of this is written and suggested based on his experience.
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