Liebster Award!
I’m so honored to have been nominated for the Liebster Award! This award is meant to recognize new and upcoming blogs. It helps to connect with other bloggers and expand your audience. Thank you so much tinkersland.com for nominating me for this award! I love her acrostic for “tinker”.
I definitely recommend checking out her blog for the deeper meaning behind this. Thank you so much tinkersland.com for honoring me with this nomination.
My Nomination Answers:
1. What is your favorite thing about blogging? I love sharing my experience with others that may find value in them. If I can help even one other woman or parent, then it’s all worth it. I like to see the best in people and I think the world needs more of that so I enjoy putting that part of me out there.
2. If you could be a superhero, which superhero would you be? Why? Anybody who knows me knows the answer to this question! Superman! I’m not sure everyone understands the reason. They constantly ask me why I don’t like Batman more. I mean I’m a practical, scientific person. Batman always appeals to people like me. Superman is my favorite because of his personality. He’s always optimistic. He never gives up on people and always fights for the good in them. Superman fights for everyday man’s freedom. Plus he’s pretty much invincible other than that pesky kryptonite and yet always fights fair. Superman is a pretty good guy! All this with super strength, speed, flight, laser eyes, ice breath, x-ray vision, super hearing, etc. I would choose Superman any day!
(In case you didn’t notice I’m pretty passionate about this)
3. How did you come up with your blog name? I wanted to write about all my creations: crochet, crafts, cooking, and family. My last name is Califf, so it just worked!
4. Do you have pets? How many and what kind? I have one beautiful, loving stubborn dog named Laney. She’s big sister to my son and we all love her so much! She’s a little crazy though. She is very attached being a rescue dog and so requires a little extra loving. And she doesn’t know her size. She’s 75 pounds and thinks she’s a lap dog!
5. If you are given a trip for free, where do you want to go and why? This is a tough decision since there are so many places I want to go to. Thinking about my family I would choose Ireland. My husband’s grandfather left a farm in Ireland and migrated to America. It’s been a dream of my husband’s to go visit that farm and see the well that his grandfather hand dug. I would love to give that to him and to have our son experience it with us.
6. How did your husband propose to you? My husband proposed to me on the balcony of a suite overlooking Niagra Falls on our fifth anniversary. It was absolutely perfect.
My nominees are:
1. devourdinner.com
2. redwineandbluemom.com
3. thebarefootbackpackers.com
4. knittingprettythings.com
5. childrentoo.com
6. Minivanadventures.com
7. amachinistswife.com
8. talesfromhome.com
The Rules: Thank the blogger who gave you the award with a link back to their blog. Give the award to 5-10 new bloggers who you appreciate. Leave a comment on their blog to let them know you nominated them!
My Nomination Questions:
1. What motivated you to start blogging?
2. What’s your favorite topic to blog about?
3. What is your favorite aspect of your personality?
4. Who/What do you draw upon for your inspiration?
5. What’s your favorite food to cook and to eat? (for me it’s two separate things)
6. For fun, if you could have dinner with one person alive or dead, who would have dinner with and what would be your first question?

Kari Touchette
Thank you so much for the nomination!
I’ve really enjoyed your posts1
Tiffany Day
Thank you so much for the nomination. I can’t wait to answer these fun questions and nominate some bloggers 😊
Keep on keeping on! I enjoy your posts!